Whitings Hill Primary School

Art and Design

“A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.”

National Curriculum 2014



  • For all children to have the confidence in their abilities as an artist.
  • For children to acquire a range of different skill and experiences and part of their learning journey during their time at Whiting Hill school.
  • For children to explore a wide range of techniques in order to develop their skills though exposure to famous artists, architects and designers. 
  • For high quality resources to inspire their creativity.
  • For children to build on their prior learning in order to achieve mastery in their approach to their learning.
  • To celebrate all children’s work and achievements. 
  • By the time our children leave Whitings Hill School we aim for them to be confident artists, equipped with their range of techniques that they can creatively apply and reflect upon.



We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in art and design at School. In our Art lessons ensure that the act of investigating and making something includes exploring and developing ideas, and evaluating and developing work. We do this best through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual/group activities.

Our Art lessons are designed to cover the following strands:

  • Generating ideas
  • Using sketch books
  • Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture pattern and colour)
  • Knowledge of artist
  • Evaluating and analysing

Lessons are sequential which allows children to build up their skills and knowledge.

Teacher draw from individual children to show good examples and model for other children.

All children’s works is celebrated though sharing assemblies, parent’s evenings and class displays.

We also recognise the fact that we have children of differing ability in all our classes, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child.



  • Children are able to express themselves through art and be able to justify their views and opinions on other people’ art.
  • Children grow up to be aware of their surroundings and the beauty of nature as the starting point to create art.
  • Children become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture as well as craft and design techniques.